Hundred-foot mechanical war machines tearing each other to pieces while laying waste to cities is, it’s fair to say, a significant change of pace from the dark fantasy worlds FromSoftware is synonymous with. Indeed, Fires of Rubicon will come as something of a rude awakening for players who pick it up in the hopes of finding Elden Ring with robots — this is most assuredly not that. It is, rather, a return to FromSoftware’s roots. Since their pioneering of the Soulslike genre, the Japanese developer has made its name with punishingly hard, sprawling RPGs. But before Dark Souls or even Demon’s Souls, there was Armored Core. Dating back to 1997 and the Playstation One, the series was built around players living out their mecha-anime dreams of piloting lumbering mechanical behemoths into battle — a formula From has perfected here, returning to the franchise after 11 years to deliver a glorious resurgence.